11 Reasons Chocolate Lovers Are Winning At Life
Julie R. Thomson
HuffPost food editor
Posted: 08/14/2015 07:00 AM EDT
There are two kinds of people in life, those who love chocolate and those who don’t really care for the rich, deep flavors of this sultry dessert. (We don’t really trust the latter, BTW.) Anything in between doesn’t exist.
Chocolate has the unique power of turning a bad day around, of putting a skip in your step, of making you feel special even if you know you’re perfectly ordinary. In other words, chocolate IS love and those who know it are some of the best people on this planet. They are winning at life — and here’s why.
1. It takes chocolate lovers .056 seconds to decide on a dessert at a restaurant. The one with chocolate in it, OBVS. Think of all the time saved.
2. Same with ice cream. Mo’ chocolate, mo’ better.
3. Chocolate lovers know that each piece they eat — of the dark stuff — might be making them smarter. At the very least, they know eating chocolate is the smartest thing they’ll do all day.
4. They’re happier people, because chocolate lovers are less stressed. A study found that eating a piece of chocolate every single day can reduce stress.
5. To them, there is no debate when it comes to chocolate vs. vanilla. (Chocolate trumps vanilla every. single. time.)
6. Chocolate lovers always knew that chocolate milk was the ultimate drink, not just in flavor but also in its ability to recharge your body. It’s science. And it’s better than Gatorade and coconut water combined (that part’s not science, but you know.)
7. They don’t discriminate between dark or milk chocolate– turns out they’re both good for you.
8. Chocolate lovers know the importance of having a stash. In a desk drawer, behind the broccoli in the freezer, under the bed… or, at the very least, they know where the nearest chocolate fix can be had.
9. They know how to elevate a fruit snack to a decadent affair. (Just melt the chocolate and dip.)
10. They know that the best holiday of the year lands on October 31. So much free chocolate.
11. Chocolate lovers make the best of friends. Not only are they happy, calm and intelligent, they also will almost always have a piece of chocolate on hand when you need it.
* Choose your friends wisely folks. Choose chocolate friends.