Afghan Veterans Return the Favour

Afghan Veterans Return the Favour Posted by: The Candy Buffet Company on Fri, Apr 25th, 2014 | Source:

THE students of One Mile School have always put into practice the words of the Adam Brand song Let’s stand for the man they call the Anzac.

And as the song played at yesterday’s school Anzac Day commemoration, Afghan veterans were on hand to recall the morale boost they experienced when they received care parcels prepared by the students.

Cpl Tomas Tuxworth, Cpl Jeff Shaw and Signaller Mitchell Morgan, from the 7th Combat Signal Regiment, received their parcels in 2012.

“I got the water pistol,” Cpl Shaw said, adding that he had put it to good use, though not on the battlefield.

“We kept it in the office.

“We did a lot of work installing and repairing communications equipment, Telstra style work.

“We returned to the office every afternoon and anyone who spoke out of turn got shot with the water pistol.

“We got lollies and food and plenty of Vegemite.

“And the letters and drawings they sent us were fantastic.

“It was just a big lift, just to know people not connected with you or related to you were thinking of you.

“You can’t put a value on that.”

The school paid special tribute to its former pupil Maj Gen Sir William Glasgow and to Gympie casualty, Cpl Ashley Birt, who was murdered in 2011 by a local man he was helping to train.

And their presentation of both the Australian and New Zealand national anthems showed they had not forgotten who put the NZ into Anzac.

Students also got a close up look at a Bushmaster armoured personnel carrier.


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